Hägele was born and raised in Germany. She has many years of
experience in social educational work, in youth projects, in working
with “problem adolescents” and with young adults.
In 2001 she turned her passion for photography into a second career.
She graduated from the Lazi Academy in Essling, Germany with honours.
Quote from the Lazi Academy 2004:
”in her project -Provocative switched Metaphor-
she bravely takes position on the absurditys of power ambition and
war in our world.”
Through years of travel and photography, she has aquired an emence
variaty of photos from people, cities, culturs and landscapes. (Italy,
France, former Yugoslavia, England, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway,
Czechoslovokia, North Africa and Mexico.)
She lived a total of 1 year in Madagaskar, 3 months in New Zeeland,
6 months in Austrailia for the last 9 years has been piriodicaly
traveling through the United States. So far, she has spent over
2 total years in the U.S.A..
Her freelance photos and projects have been/ are displayed in various
The project “Photography for Peace” continues and photos
will be taken in different countries. The final exhibit will be
in Bagdad and the photos will apear as a hardcover copy.
“Sensitively and powerfully, she visually completes her concept
and through neverending energy and drive creates an all-new connection
to people, situations and objects. She captures unique moments with
her unmistakable style. Her passion within photography is the socialy-critical
aspect and reporting along with the facination with the detail of
a situation, a moment, a person or an object in all of it´s